Monday, November 17, 2014

Is it Spring Training Yet?

Well as everyone knows now, the baseball season is over. It was a super fun season to watch. Underdogs team succeeded and most "popular" teams didn't prosper. I am so sad as many of you probably are, that we won't be seeing baseball for a while. I for one am looking forward to spring training even though it isn't that close. For me, a world without baseball isn't a good world. That may seem dramatic, but nah.

One of the major reasons I am excited for the off season and spring training, is because of all of the free agents. It's nice to see veterans stick to their teams for a career, but when does that happen? I think it's also nice when things switch around a bit because it keeps you on your toes. This year especially, there are so many different free agents, who knows where things will go. Even though I'd always like to see the Angels win a World Series Title, I would find it nice and refreshing if an underdog team like the Astros, really come out to play this year.

Courtesy of Houston Astros

It's fun to see teams thrive after a long history of failure. Not singling out teams, but sorry Cubs fans, you guys haven't won for about 100 years? I know everyone has their bad decades but I think it would be cool to see the Cubs went somewhere this year. Not even my parents have been alive for 100 years. I mean, it's a pretty long time.

Image from Chuckles Network

Thanks to Meme Creator for this Meme

I am sorry that I haven't posted in a while, but things have been busy in my life. Between crying for a couple weeks that the Giants won the World Series and school, it's been a busy life. I will try to get back to posting at least once a week updating everyone on the trades that are currently happening, and what to look forward to this upcoming season. Along with my predictions that actually never end up coming true.