Friday, February 20, 2015

Cincinnati Reds! What's to Come?

First, let's talk about last year with this team. Last year, the Reds went 76-86 not even making to to .500. However, their division was pretty tough considering the Pirates, Cardinals, and Brewers are in their division. But this is not an excuse. The Reds didn't have it going for them last season and they ended up coming in 2nd to last in their division. The only team they beat was the Cubs, which doesn't say much. Does this mean that their future will be bad as well? I don't think so! The Reds have a good start but their roster is just not complete yet. You can feel that they are missing something.

The Reds this year haven't been too active when it comes to trading. They have kept Johnny Cueto who had an outstanding 20 wins last season. He is their best pitcher by far and if he continues what he was doing last year, the Reds could potentially do well. I'm not a Reds fan but when it comes to Johnny, you can't deny that he is something special. The lineup for the Reds actually looks good, like it did last year. But last year it didn't show, maybe this year will be different.

Shoutout to Cbs Sports for the access to this photo of Johnny

Even though the Reds haven't done much trading this offseason, it doesn't mean they don't have good players and a good ball club. I'm not saying their roster is amazing, they just need to upgrade or change it slightly and they will be set. In the last five years they have gone to the playoffs twice. Seeing this, you know that they have potential to go somewhere. It's not like the Reds haven't seen or tasted victory before. They know what it takes to get the wins and they will go out of their way to get there. The issue is that it isn't easy to flip a ball club over night. It takes time, but I honestly do believe that the Reds will win a World Series Championship in the near future. Just not yet!

1990 World Series Ring! Thanks to Rings that Bling for this Beauty!

What it looks like, is that the Reds are going for an in depth roster for pitching. Now many people think that offense will win you a game, however, having good pitching will help out tons and can bring in wins easier than offense can. Your offense doesn't have to work as hard when you have an ace on the mound. This is why Johnny Cueto is so outstanding! He doesn't let many people on. With this, the Reds I think will do better this year but won't make it to the playoffs. They are good but not that good, yet.

Sorry Reds fans, this year isn't going to be the year that the Reds make it into the playoffs and win the World Series! Take you higher


  1. How do you think the San Francisco Giants will do this year? I'm not sure what to think.

  2. Stay tuned and I will write a post on them tonight!
