Monday, March 2, 2015

Thanks to Everyone, Where will this be Going?

This year I have started blogging. I have officially been blogging for almost a full school year. It has been a fun experience meeting others that have the same interests that I do. I would like to thank everyone that has read my posts, even if you haven't commented or followed my blog. I really do appreciate it! I know that my posts aren't the best, but I enjoy writing them for you guys. Reflecting on everything that has happened while writing and reading this blog, I have had a great time, and you guys only make it better. Writing for myself is fun, but knowing that other people are actually reading what I am writing, that is mind blowing. Honestly, I never thought that my blog would go anywhere. Hoping for maybe like 10 views or something. I am amazed at where it has gotten and I encourage you all to start your own blogs. Let me know if you do and I'll be sure to try and help you out and even follow you!

Thanks to Dinkum Interactive for this creative image

One thing that I would like to get more involved in is getting more followers. I don't have many, but if you guys like my posts, make sure to follow. I have realized that not only having a blog is fun, but it is something that I can go to when I want to get away from things for a while. I have evolved a lot from the beginning of the year. At the start of this quarter I set down a lot of goals. I have realized that the number of page views I have doesn't really matter. Creating a blog has been awesome! It is something new that I have gotten absorbed in. I get to ramble on about baseball and things that are happening and I don't have to feel bad about doing it.

I need both! Thanks to Cafe Press for this one!

I used to only write posts because I had to or because I wanted a good grade. Now, it's more than that! I hope you guys have seen that improvement. As I mentioned earlier, I will continue to analyze teams with my own spin on things if you guys like it. If not, don't be cautious about letting me know and telling me to stop because it is boring. I am writing this not only for myself, but also for you guys! Knowing what to write about can be challenging. I don't want to bore you all out there. Are you guys liking what I'm doing or not?!? I never know! If you would like me to do something make sure to leave a comment and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks, hope you all have a good night!

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