Sunday, May 10, 2015

What a Ride it Has Been

Well guys the school year is ending and that means it is time to reflect on my blog this year. It's crazy that I have only had this blog for one school year because it seems like it's been forever. I have had so much fun learning the ways of a blogger. I also have learned a lot about myself! I learned my style of writing. I learned that writing a blog can actually be fun. I will hopefully continue this blog during the summer. It will be hard because I will be gone a lot of the time, but I think it would be fun to keep in touch with all you guys. From my first blog to this last one, many things have changed. The only thing that hasn't changed is my passion for the sport. My writing has improved and I can really see the difference.

Thank You all So Much!!! Courtesy of Immunology for the Image

Whether my blog continues or not, there is one thing that we can all count on. That is the fact that baseball doesn't stop and it will be going on all summer and even next year, and the year after that. I know that all of you out there will be watching your favorite teams, hoping that something good happens and your team makes it into the playoffs and then even wins the World Series. Well guys, I want to let you know that won't happen unless you are an Angels fan because that is the team that is winning it all this year.

I hope that you guys have enjoyed reading my lame blog posts. I have had a ton of fun writing them and keeping up with the baseball world. Keep in touch with me! If you have any questions or want to contact me you can reach me by emailing me at It has been a fun year guys and I loved sharing it with you guys. Until next time!!!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

The Angels Fall to the Astros

The Angels throw the game in the last inning with Street leading the way. Yeah so that pretty much sums up the game! The Angels didn't do the best this game but they held the hot Astros until the 9th inning. It was pretty fun to watch because my team was winning, right? Well first off the Angels pitching was fantastic! To hold off a team that is doing as well as the Astros is down right amazing. However, it all came to an end in the 9th inning. It was Houston Street coming up to pitch and boom the first batter up gets on base, then the second batter is on, then all of a sudden the Astros score three runs and the Angels are down 3-2. I mean it was pretty defeating, emotionally, to see that happen.

Houston Street Blows the Save! Thanks LA Times for the Image

What lead up to this loss? First off, even though the Angels were leading the game the whole way, they didn't produce nearly enough runs and their offense was pretty dormant. Yes, two runs seemed to be enough this game but usually this wouldn't be enough. When you are facing a team that has been doing as well as the Astros, it is mandatory that you produce many runs to keep your team out in front. The Angels scored two runs and then seemed to shut down. This ended up in the long run hurting the Angels and they lost to the Astros.

The Astros also played really well this game. It was never lopsided, there was never a point in the game where you just turned off the TV and walked away. No, actually the game was the complete opposite. I was almost analyzing the TV it seemed like. Like the Angels, the Astros put up a good fight and also had fantastic pitching. The Astros offense was nonexistent until the very end. I have no clue what it was but all of a sudden the Astros seemed to ignite and they put up some nice hits.

Astros Offense Sparks in the 9th! Courtesy of Galv News for the Pic

The Angels and Astros are well matched and so far have had great games to watch. I look forward to the many more games that these two teams will play and hope that they remain close.

Monday, May 4, 2015

The All New Astros

While everyone thinks that the Astros suck, the Astros are actually proving that they aren't that bad after all. Lately, everything has been picking up for them and every component of their game is very strong. They just snapped a 10 game winning streak. Can you believe that? The Astros actually won more than one game in a row! I know I give them a lot of crap but I have to give it to them, they are on fire.

First off, we have their offense. They are leading the American League in home runs. Everyone in the Astros lineup is capable of causing harm while up to bat. From the leadoff hitter to the number 12 hitter, each and every player can hit a home run and they have proved it. Not only that, with Jose Altuve leading the way, they are also getting tons of multiple base hits. It's insane how well the offense is doing. However, on the flip side of this, at any time the Astros can go dry from home runs and start losing again. Yes, they are destroying the ball right now, but that can change in less than a game!

Jose Altuve is Red Hot Right Now! Courtesy of CBS Sports for this Image
Next there is the pitching of the Astros. I'm not even talking about the overall defense I'm just going to talk about pitching right now. Their rotation is pretty strong with Dallas Keuchel and Collin McHugh. With this dynamic duo, they haven't lost a single game. The Astros defense hasn't had to do much yet because of the great pitching. The ERA of these two all star pitchers is insanely low. If you look outside of the pitching, their defense is also very strong right now. Of course Jose Altuve is leading them but they also have Springer, Carter, and Rasmus who all show off their gloves in the field. 
Keuchel Looks to Keep his Streak Going! Thanks MLB for this Pic!

I know that I predicted the Astros would suck again this year but I think that I have already been proved wrong. Even though it is way early in the season, you can tell the Astros have made some changes and it's really working. Don't mistake me for a bandwagon fan because I still don't like the Astros, but I can't deny a good team when I see one and the Astros are definitely a good team right now!