Saturday, December 20, 2014

Arizona Diamondbacks, what's up?

I am very sorry I haven't posted anything in a while but I have been very busy. Are you guys doing anything for the Holidays? I am not going anywhere, just going through a bunch of family bull crap that is very boring, like every year. Today I am starting my first day of my team assessment I talked about in my last post.

The Arizona Diamondbacks. They are a team that not many of us believe have much potential because they are not known for having much success. Last season, they did horrible. I am thinking that this season won't be much better for them.

Thanks to Sports Logos for this Pic

I am sorry to the Arizonians but they still haven't made that big move that they need. They are still rebuilding a team that can compete for the World Series. I know it's still early to make judgments, but I just don't see it happening. It's not that they failed last season, it's that I feel like they are a team that needs new fresh players that they haven't seemed to find yet. They need to find an offense mix that can lead their team and at this point they don't have it.

For the 2015 season I feel like the Diamondbacks will not win their division because they aren't going to be a competing team. In 2014, their record was 64-98 making them last in their division. I think that this is because they had a lack of defense. And in defense I mean pitching. And when I say pitching I mean that they really didn't have a lot going for them. They didn't have many big pitchers that could lead games. Don't get me wrong, they are a good ball club, but they didn't have defense that could lead them games. To summarize this all, the Diamondbacks will once again lose their division and maybe have a good 2016 season depending on who they pick up.

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