Thursday, December 25, 2014

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas

Today is Christmas! It has been a great break for me and I have been getting lots of skiing in this break. Today I was given new skis from the old jolly man. I got to take my new skis out for some runs and it was great! The Holidays always seem to be a great time of year.

I may not post for a couple of days because I am going camping in the Uintah mountains and will not have service to post. I am posting this now to talk about the Holidays. In my last post I asked if anyone was doing anything for the Holidays. For anyone reading this, maybe you could comment if you are going to be doing anything or if you have done something you want to talk about. I will respond no matter what.

Courtesy of Pinterest for this image

I will not be analyzing a team today, but I will talk about what I am going to be doing a little more in depth. So, I have already analyzed and predicted the Arizona Diamondbacks and will continue to talk about teams. I was wondering if you guys would like to see it by division or alphabetically. I have started alphabetically, but I can very much switch over.

Doing it by division would make it easier for you guys to understand because I would create a bracket type prediction. As in I would tell what place each team would place in their division. It would be more organized. However, I could also do it alphabetically if that's what you guys would like to see. Let me know what would be better! Hope you guys have a good Holiday season!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Arizona Diamondbacks, what's up?

I am very sorry I haven't posted anything in a while but I have been very busy. Are you guys doing anything for the Holidays? I am not going anywhere, just going through a bunch of family bull crap that is very boring, like every year. Today I am starting my first day of my team assessment I talked about in my last post.

The Arizona Diamondbacks. They are a team that not many of us believe have much potential because they are not known for having much success. Last season, they did horrible. I am thinking that this season won't be much better for them.

Thanks to Sports Logos for this Pic

I am sorry to the Arizonians but they still haven't made that big move that they need. They are still rebuilding a team that can compete for the World Series. I know it's still early to make judgments, but I just don't see it happening. It's not that they failed last season, it's that I feel like they are a team that needs new fresh players that they haven't seemed to find yet. They need to find an offense mix that can lead their team and at this point they don't have it.

For the 2015 season I feel like the Diamondbacks will not win their division because they aren't going to be a competing team. In 2014, their record was 64-98 making them last in their division. I think that this is because they had a lack of defense. And in defense I mean pitching. And when I say pitching I mean that they really didn't have a lot going for them. They didn't have many big pitchers that could lead games. Don't get me wrong, they are a good ball club, but they didn't have defense that could lead them games. To summarize this all, the Diamondbacks will once again lose their division and maybe have a good 2016 season depending on who they pick up.

Monday, December 8, 2014

New Ideas?

Hello fellow fans that I don't have. As you all know, I have decided that I am going to start something new and I was wondering if you guys were interested in it.

First, I would go through every team in the MLB most likely in alphabetical order and predict what is going to happen and maybe talk about what trades they have made or should make. I would also talk about why I feel this way about each team.

I could either do this or decide to talk about trades which I personally think can get boring because everyone can talk statistics. If I use my opinion to formulate records and how teams will do, I think that it will be more fun for you guys to read and for me to write.

I am not sure about the details yet. I could either do the teams alphabetically, by poll, or by division. Each week or depending on how often I post, I could have a survey and whatever team wins, I'll predict this one. I'll need you guys to help me out on what to do because without you, this plan kind of fails. You can leave a comment or take the surveys which would help me tons.

Also, if you have any other ideas that I could use to make my blog better, or if you guys want me to fix something, I am glad to take advice. I know I am new at blogging and I make mistakes all the time as I learn.

Thanks Psdcovers for the Awesome Image!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Is it Spring Training Yet?

Well as everyone knows now, the baseball season is over. It was a super fun season to watch. Underdogs team succeeded and most "popular" teams didn't prosper. I am so sad as many of you probably are, that we won't be seeing baseball for a while. I for one am looking forward to spring training even though it isn't that close. For me, a world without baseball isn't a good world. That may seem dramatic, but nah.

One of the major reasons I am excited for the off season and spring training, is because of all of the free agents. It's nice to see veterans stick to their teams for a career, but when does that happen? I think it's also nice when things switch around a bit because it keeps you on your toes. This year especially, there are so many different free agents, who knows where things will go. Even though I'd always like to see the Angels win a World Series Title, I would find it nice and refreshing if an underdog team like the Astros, really come out to play this year.

Courtesy of Houston Astros

It's fun to see teams thrive after a long history of failure. Not singling out teams, but sorry Cubs fans, you guys haven't won for about 100 years? I know everyone has their bad decades but I think it would be cool to see the Cubs went somewhere this year. Not even my parents have been alive for 100 years. I mean, it's a pretty long time.

Image from Chuckles Network

Thanks to Meme Creator for this Meme

I am sorry that I haven't posted in a while, but things have been busy in my life. Between crying for a couple weeks that the Giants won the World Series and school, it's been a busy life. I will try to get back to posting at least once a week updating everyone on the trades that are currently happening, and what to look forward to this upcoming season. Along with my predictions that actually never end up coming true.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

World Series - What is Happening?

Last night the Royals won Game 2 of the World Series 7-2. My predictions were correct unlike last time but to tell the truth I was shocked. I wanted the Royals to win Game two but another blowout.....
This leaves me to think (as it probably does you too) who will win Game three? I am speechless. I thought it would be a close game but nope, another blowout. I will admit it was not too bad to watch because my team was winning. Apology to all the Giants fans out there who had a heartbreaking loss last night.
First, I think that the Giants pitcher Jake Peavy had some struggles on the mound yesterday. He didn't look as confident or as well off. The Royals were able to pound him all day long for base hits, ending up in a disaster. The problem with that is that Peavy had to leave early and it was up to the pull pen to save the game. For me, whenever a pitcher leaves early and the game is running on bull pen pitchers, I'm thinking "oh crap!". It seems to never end well. Bull pens were meant to relieve games not pitch a WHOLE game!
Courtesy to Getty Images for the Pic
The Royals just had things going for them last night. Arguable the ace of the San Francisco Giants had a rough start and they were able to capitalize on the mistake he made. On the other hand, the Royals had great pitching thanks to their starter Yordano Ventura who was unbelievable good against a very offensive Giants team. I love to see rookies shine on the biggest stage they will ever be on. The game wasn't a struggle until the sixth inning when the Royals scored five runes!
Courtesy of CBS Sports
You heard me... five runs in one inning! That's not the craziest part. It amazed me that the Giants used five pitchers in that same inning. The bull pen couldn't get it done. I'm telling you that bull pens can't handle these situations in 99% of the time. Seeing Lincecum going to the mound was surprising for me because he hasn't been feeling well lately. Wanting the Royals to win, seeing Lincecum hurt was kind of a nice thing to see.

My predictions for game three is that the Royals will win in a very close match up. Both the Royals and the Giants have blown each other out of the water and now it's time to buckle down. Both teams have had their up and downs and I am very excited for this next game to see how it ends up. What do you guys all expect? I think good things will happen and it will be a very good game.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

World Series Game 2 - What to Expect?

For all of the Royal fans out there I honestly feel bad about last nights game. I couldn't bear to watch the game anymore and tuned out in the 8th inning. I could't have been more wrong. It's one thing that I didn't want the Giants to win but it's another thing when a team gets blown away. I like close games not blowouts!

Well, I'm going to forget about the last game after this and hopefully see the Royals pick up a win tonight. First things first, Shields was definitely not on his game last night. Early in the game giving up that three run home run to Pence was devastating. I know it's hard to come back from a blow that big but COME ON! The Royals let it slip out of their hands and let it get away from them. This happens all the time in sports, but the next step the Royals need to take is to forget about everything that happened and start over.

There is a reason why the World Series is the best out of seven games. This is to see which team is really better? I know the people that may happen to be reading this blog happen to want the Giants to win the World Series and what I'm going to say to that is..... keep it going. Last night the Giants had it going for them all and I thought it was a good performance. However, I've seen it many times and wouldn't be surprised if the Giants get a little cocky and start to fall behind. It's happens all the time to many different teams.

My predictions for this game is that the Royals will win in a close battle. You all probably think I'm stupid and what I have to say to that is... MAYBE. I really think that the Royals showed potential in game one and that they can pick up the slack and win today. I know it will be tough and the Giants are arguable better. But when it comes down to it I want the Royals to win and I feel like they will win!

Image courtesy of Mccovey Chronicles 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

World Series Game 1

I am back! Sorry I haven't posted in a while but I was in the mountains deer hunting and didn't have any internet service to post another blog. While I was gone, there has been a lot happening in baseball. For starters, I finally get to start watching the World Series! The Royals are taking on the San Francisco Giants. Both of these teams are very competitive and I can't wait to find out who will win.
Image courtesy of MLB
I personally am rooting for the Kansas City Royals team because I like to root for the underdogs and the Giants have won a lot. When's the last time you've seen the Royals in the World Series? Exactly, you never do. Anyways, the Giants and Royals are two very different teams that play very differently.

The Royals as I have talked about earlier are about speed and small ball. They are not the team that will have the most home runs or the most extra base hits. Instead, they are the team I love to watch because they keep the game going at a fast pace and they know how to win games without big hits. The Royals are so contrast to the Giants that it makes me so excited for the 2014 World Series.

On the other hand there is the Giants. The Giants have a huge postseason career. In the past five years they have been to three world series. They have lots of power hitters including Pablo Sandoval and Morse. These two guys aren't even the start of the Giants lineup. I think that the Giants have a winning team but will have to compete hard to win this one. They have an all star bull pen with Bumgarner leading the way. He is one of my favorites to watch!

Pablo Sandoval Leads the Giants Bats. Thanks Yahoo Sports for the Pic!

I predict that the Royals will win the 2014 World Series title because I believe they have the drive, motivation, and most importantly the team to win it. For the Giants, they are a good team but I think they won't win this one. There's only one thing that we can all do to know. WATCH the games! The first game is today and you won't want to miss it!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Underdogs

As I play baseball daily and love the sport, I also watch every game that I can. I like to keep track of how teams are doing and if it is significant. Growing up in Southern California I was born an Angels fan. Thinking this would be a great season for them, the Kansas City Royals showed me other wise.

Recently, the Kansas City Royals won their spot in the playoffs and had to pass the Angels in their first series. I was very happy because I thought it was a for sure win for my team. However, I was proven vey wrong. The Royals went on to winning the series 3-0 shutting the Angels out from any win. HOW was this possible? The Royals are one of the underdog teams that no one thought would ever make it this far. The last time they even qualified for the playoffs was in 1985! This is why I love sports. Anytime a team that isn't recognized as a contender can show up and amaze.

The Royals don't have much power in their lineup but their speed is incredible. On normal singles, they are stretching their hits out to doubles. Everyone in their lineup is a threat to steal. They are one of the more fun teams to watch play baseball because they keep the game going fast pace. The Kansas City Royals are showing everyone that they can contend for a World Series title.

The next team they will have to face to make it to the World Series is the Orioles. Two teams in the ALDS that aren't seen there ever! It is going to be a great matchup. I strongly recommend that if you can you tune into this baseball game, you should. Both teams are considered underdogs because it has been many years since either teams have won anything major. Try to make it family time. Whatever you need to do to watch this game; it'll be worth it. The Royals vs. Orioles will be one of the most exciting, memorable games out there.

The Kansas City Royals Lead Baseball with 153 Team Stolen Bases Image courtesy to Espn

The Royals are Making A Run For Their Best Postseason Appearance
Thanks to Royals Baseball for the Awesome Image!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Orioles Clinch the AL East

Hello, my name is Nick. The Orioles are the first team that has clinched their division and has insured themselves a spot in the playoffs. Recently, they defeated the Toronto Blue Jays 7-2 on Tuesday September 16, 2014. This win was historic for the Orioles because it was the first time they have clinched their division in over 15 years.

This historical game was led by the pitching of the Orioles. They had an outstanding bull pen that turned off the (usually very offensive) Blue Jays. The Orioles have only won three world series, all of which, have been won a while ago. Is this the year that the Orioles go to the World Series? As the Orioles are the first team to clinch their division, many say that this is finally their year to shine. However, this year there are many teams that are doing very well.

The Orioles have the team to win the World Series. With Manny Machado leading the infield and power hitter Adam Jones leading the outfield, there is no doubt that the Orioles can win. To win the world series you need the following three things: Pitching, Offense, and Defense. These may seem simple but many teams are missing one, if not more components.  As long as the Orioles can stay healthy and their pitching stays strong, the Orioles have a very good future ahead of them.

Manny Machado Leads the Infield
Thanks to Baltimore Sports for the Image
Adam Jones Hits a Homerun
Image courtesy to CBS Sports